Washington D.C. Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Washington D.C. – Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital. Explore the city with us and start planning a journey of your own! When ready, browse …

50 thoughts on “Washington D.C. Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

  1. Veronika Anton says:

    This video is the most american thing I have ever seen. The guy is talking about it like it his trophy. No european person would ever talk about their city like that.

  2. Aby Afolabi J. says:

    There are not so many African capital cities or important cities on Expedia why? Please for the sake of we Africans explore our cities there are so much to learn and showcase. Thanks

  3. Cherish Pierre Louis says:

    The 3 things I would do if I go to Washington D.C is checking out the graveyard with the people who sacrifice themselves for America. I also want to go to the museum about the spy gears. Lastly, I will go to the cafe because I wonder if they bake muffins. I like the video because it is very informational and important. It's important because it non-fiction and the video is helpful for people who want to go to Washington D.C.

  4. John Montoya says:

    I live in Medellín City. But I like the United States of American. I want to know U.S.

    Washington D.C. Is wonderfull.

    Greets since Medellín City, Colombia.

    GOD blessed you.

  5. 강주효 says:

    아사달ㅡ하이얀 ㆍ백력정기 ㆍ신성한ㆍ순백지기가 화이트하우스이다 우주는 집이다ㆍ우주의 축소판이 집이다 ㆍ화이트 하우스는 아사달 ㅡ아즈데카 문명 의 뿌리이다 ㆍ 백악관은 진주강가의 후손국가이다 ㆍok

    천주는 국민입법기능 입문은 공식적인 <민주적절차>의 제과정이다

    헌법기관 ㆍ입법기관ㆍ국민대의기관의 절차나 과정은 검찰쿠데타라는 명분ㆍ실리의 모두 제압하는 제과정이 될것이오니 ㆍ적극적 권장을 바랍니다 ㆍokay

    ㅡㆍㅡㆍㅡ태초의 신은 천신인 신농씨ㅡ농경신ㅡ자연신ㅡ우주만물신이시다 진주강가가 태초의 천신이시자 그천신이 하나님이시다ㆍ성부는 신농씨아버지의 소전이시요ㆍ성모는 신농씨의 어머니가 되오며ㆍ그기에 냫은 자식이 천자ㅡ태양의 아들이시자 그분이 우주춘절기의 오픈한 염제 신농씨이자 ㆍ그아들의 아들이 손자가 되는데 이자가 바로 한국은 천손국가이시다 모든종교의 뿌리는 강가의 뿌리이시다 ㆍ알겠는가 ? 오빠가 하늘의 천주이자지구의 주인이시다 ㆍㅇk 역사을 똑바로 아시길 바랍니다 강태공씨는 신교문화 설파자이시자 그기에서 유교ㅡ불교ㅡ선교/(도교ㆍ기독교)

    내가 너희들을 부리기 위해서 내가;(강증산구천황제님) 내러보냈너니라 ㆍㆍ

    성강/(姓姜)에는 강/(姜 ㅡ갓머리변 ㆍ王 임금왕 ㆍ女 ㆍ계집녀 대전/(大田)은 임금이 머무르는 관저에서 음양합궁도가 배성이 잉태하는 근본이치가 된다)으로 부터 우주의 봄의 시작점 ㅡ중국은 춘제기념일이다ㆍㆍ왕자에 王 ㅡ玉 ㅡ진주을 뜻한다ㆍ 진주란 뜻은 영구불변하는것이 진리이다 ㆍ이것이 본태양이자ㆍ그태양을 천신이자ㆍ

    도교에서 옥황상제는 진주강가의 뿌리이자ㆍ옥황상제/(玉皇上帝)가 머무르는 관저가 옥경이니라 ㆍ

    모든 종교의 뿌리는 신교문화이요 ㆍ그신교문화을 대변해놓은 곳이 홍산문화 ㅡ신교문명 뿌리이기 때문에 제5차원문명 ㅡ뿌리는 신농씨이다

    ㅡㆍ인류종교의 설파자는 깅태공씨 ㅡ신교문화 ㅡ유교ㆍ불교ㆍ선교/(도교ㆍ기독교)이다 ㆍ우주는 진주강가에 의거하여 창세가 된 것이다

    오빠 는 천주이자 전지전능한 하나님이시다ㆍok


    ㅡ단군한배검씨는 치우천황제후손이자ㆍ치우가 강가이오니 단군한배검씨도 강가의 후손이시다 단군ㅡ단자는 박타나무《檀君~태양목신의 후손의 뿌리본원을 뜻하는 말이다ㆍ신농씨가 목생화/(木生化~ 태양신이 하나ㅡ무극대도ㅡ도수이다ㆍ둘은 태극도수ㆍ셋은 삼태극도수이다 ㆍ모두가 진주강가의 뿌리본원이다)

  6. James Muecke says:

    Welcome to the world's capitol of the fine art of crime — Washington, D.C. I learned the hard way not to ever leave any valuables anywhere in your car for any reason. Electronically opening cars and stealing their contents is common. This means a "secured" hotel parking garage is one of the most dangerous places to leave things in your trunk. You could even say stealing cars is petty crime in this city. Yet, this is the tourist's small taste of the real crime that goes on constantly. Washington houses in its marbled palaces the largest, the most successful and most arrogant den of thieves on earth. The politicians even have the gall to "shake down" the weaker nations around the world. The public can't understand why all the "foreign aid" is going to so many nations. Well, it is not really foreign aid. The real motive behind the criminals (which drives them to give billions in gifts from the U.S. taxpayer to the weaker nations) is for the politicians to build immense personal and family wealth — in forced kickbacks. Foreign aid is a fail-safe way of "laundering" the theft of your tax dollars by your elected officials. Well loved Joe Biden is a master at it (well you could argue he is a buffoon at it). He is one that has gotten his entire family involved in the scams, which may prove to be the means of his downfall. Experience shows that you can't stop a criminal's activities by locking him up for a while. Regrettably, the only real solution is to feed the politicians to the buzzards and shutter Washington. These criminals are the ones who have truly destroyed America.

  7. Win Barber says:

    3:00 Unfortunately, the 6-story high Newseum (museum about news reporting) closed on December 31, 2019.  It could not compete with the many free-of-charge museums in the neighborhood.

    4:29 the International Spy Museum recently moved down the street to new quarters, and its exhibits enlarged.

  8. Сергей Шилов says:

    Wow wow Washingtown! Capital of USA How How squaw how how do you do? Durbar square here we are. Where is baba yayaga? Vacaciones and pan cakes. Mamontyatas hey hey heys! thea and thaia i s molodec. Donkeys and vacas are molodec too. Cowgirls and cowboys are not such molodec as their ama yet. But they are going to squellas already. Eaglatierra is not yet such molodec as durbar square but she 'is coming to be molodec too. зырь слышь жила была секвоя воя не воя не твая и не мая и полюбила и родила.

  9. Arusha Tanzania Times says:

    I'll be visiting America from the UK for the first time in September. I'm going there for a couple of weeks. I'll be going to Seattle, Boston and Washington DC.

    Anyone want to be a Tour Guide for a couple of British guys for a couple of days in DC?

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